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At present, in addition to the clear navigation safety of the yacht terminal by the maritime department, the construction of Floating Pontoon Dock lacks a clear industry authority, and there is no national regulation on the management of yacht terminal construction. A marina construction project involves multiple departments such as development and reform, ports, oceans, and land. On the one hand, the management functions of each department are "overlapping", and on the other hand, the coordination and approval departments are "vacuum". There are many formal and informal systems. Constraints, the project's basic construction procedures are not standardized. Especially for the yacht piers supporting tourism real estate projects, the management authority is relatively vague, and there is a greater risk of violations in the use of shorelines.


As an emerging thing, traditional urban planning and port planning mostly do not include related content about the layout of yacht piers. Due to the influence of the management system, the introduction of layout plans for yacht piers is mostly slow, resulting in the lack of project approval in the current stage of yacht pier construction. The problem of lack of planning basis for superior planning guidance and approval. Driven by local interests, various places have launched yacht piers. The layout of the piers lacks rationality. There have been problems such as tourism real estate and private clubs occupying a large number of living shorelines, multiple marinas, and inefficient use of shorelines.


Under the premise of ensuring safety, yacht sailing mainly meets the leisure purpose of "free ride", while merchant sailing mainly focuses on economy and timeliness, and the sailing requirements of the two are quite different. At present, my country lacks clear requirements for yacht routes, navigable waters, and speed. There is a situation where yachts and commercial ships share waterways, and the problem of navigable safety is prominent. Especially in inland waterways, this situation is more obvious, and it is urgent to further improve the customs navigation requirements.