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Basic training methods using Free Standing Boxing Bags :

1. Left straight boxing punch punching bag
Starting from the actual boxing posture, when the left fist strikes, the center of gravity moves forward, the left shoulder follows forward, with the forefoot section, the waist turns to the right to drive the left arm forward to increase the strike force. While striking, the left arm rotates, and the fist is down at the moment the left fist touches the sandbag.

2. Right straight punch the sandbag
Starting from the actual boxing posture, push your right foot on the ground, and at the same time turn your upper body and waist and hip to the left, move your right shoulder forward. Put your right arm forward and punch out.

3. Left swing punch punching bag
Starting from the actual combat position, take the left foot as the axis, lift the heel off the ground, and turn the hip to the right. While turning the body, raise the elbow of the left arm to move in an arc to hit the target.

4. Right swing punch punching bag
Starting from the actual combat posture, slide your left foot to the left of the target, and push your right foot hard to accelerate the speed of your body moving towards the target. Hit the target with the right punch.

5. The upper left hook punches the sandbag
Starting from the actual combat position, bend your legs, turn slightly to the left, lower the center of gravity, bend your left arm, turn to the right at the moment of punching, straighten your knees, and hit the sandbag diagonally upward.

6. Right upper hook boxing punch punching bag
Start with the actual standing position. Turn the body to the right, move the center of gravity to the right foot, bend the knees, and lower the body. When punching, move the center of gravity to the right foot, straighten the legs, turn the waist and turn the position. Hit the sandbag diagonally upward.